Criminal Cases

We offer the services of a lawyer as a defender of the accused or the suspect, the victim's representative, civil claimant or defendant.
An experienced criminal lawyer will provide you with assistance from the time of initiation of a criminal case until its hearing in court.
The lawyer will prepare motions, applications, complaints in a criminal case, will file them as intended, will participate in the hearing of the criminal case.
The law of the Russian Federation provides for the procedure for hearing criminal cases, according to which only a lawyer can be a defender in criminal cases.
A lawyer can meet with his client in detention facilities, act as defense attorney at the stage of preliminary investigation of the criminal case, as well as during the hearing of a criminal case in court.
If you want to employ a criminal lawyer, you have to sign a contract with the lawyer.
Under the contract, the lawyer will prepare the necessary documents, will file them as intended, will participate in investigating actions and court sessions.
The amount of lawyer’s fees depends on the complexity of the case and shall be determined by the lawyer. The current minimum fee for handling a criminal case of medium complexity is 300,000 rubles at the stage of inquiry or preliminary investigation and 300,000 rubles in the court of first instance.
Criminal Proceedings
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Once a crime has been reported, an inspection is carried out, following the results of which the investigator decides whether to institute criminal proceedings, in which case he orders to initiate criminal proceedings, or not.
Then a preliminary investigation is carried out, the term of which is set to 2 months by law.
During the preliminary investigation, investigating actions are conducted, such as bringing a charge, examination, investigative experiment, seizure, search, interrogation, face-to-face confrontation, identification, expert findings.
Once the preliminary investigation has been completed, the parties to criminal proceedings review the case materials and file motions to be considered by the investigator.
Then the investigator prepares a letter of accusation and serves it to the prosecutor together with the criminal case.
The prosecutor can confirm the accusation and refer the criminal case to court for hearing, or may remit the case to the investigator for further investigation.
Criminal cases are heard in the court of 1st instance: in a district court or by a justice of the peace.
A criminal case may be heard in the court of 1st instance with a jury trial, if the accused filed a motion for hearing the case by a jury trial.
The hearing of a criminal case in the court of 1st instance ends in verdict.
The verdict may be either guilty or not-guilty.
The verdict imposed by the court of 1st instance may be appealed within 10 days from the date of its declaration, and in case of a prisoner – within the same period from the date of serving a copy of the verdict to him/her.
In accordance with Article 49 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, each person accused of committing a crime shall be presumed innocent until his/her culpability is proved in the manner specified by federal law and established by a court sentence which has become effective.
In accordance with Article 48 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, each person arrested, taken into custody or accused of committing a crime shall have the right to use the assistance of a lawyer (defense attorney) from the moment of arrest, being taken into custody, or the bringing of a charge, respectively.